Friday, 11 May 2012

Angels Crest

The death of a 3-year-old boy divides a tightly knit community and confront what Nate's death means to them and in the face of that struggle, they deal with their own concepts of right and wrong.

Apart from Elizabeth McGovern (Downton Abbey) the cast was unknown to me, but that wasnt a bad thing as i find these Indy films really have good actors in, and they dont take anything away from the film, which a big named actor would. 

According to IMDB it only grossed $498 as it was released in 1 screen. Which is a great shame and i hope its going to get released again and launched properly.

But back to the film... It is thought provoking and you go through a range of emotions, its easy to sit on both sides of the fence. 

I enjoyed the film even though it covers a terrible subject of a child's death. Thomas Dekker puts in a great performance of Nate's father. 4/5 Though i think the only way you will be able to watch this film is to rent it, but i would!

Random Fact about this film is during a scene in the dinner a song is playing, and its Elizabeth McGovern's band Sadie and the Hot Heads!

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