Friday 11 May 2012

Dark Shadows

An imprisoned vampire, Barnabas Collins, is set free and returns to his ancestral home, where his dysfunctional descendants are in need of his protection. 

The Burton, Depp, Bonham Carter partnership has joined forces again, its not as dark as past films less gory than Sweeney Todd, i'm guessing so it could have a lower rating so kids can go see this film.

I feel the real stand out performance in this film was Eva Green who plays Angelique Bouchard (The Witch) i'm a big fan of hers and i've been waiting for another good role for her. You would defiantly describe her character as a Bunny Boiler, who is obsessed with Barnabas and will stop at nothing to get him! Which ends at one point with the strangest sex scenes you will ever see, kind of if a ken and barbie did it. (When you see it, you'll understand)

I enjoyed the film, thou Depp wasnt as kookie as his past outings with Burton, he still has his humorous moment. Barnabas's other love interest in the film is Victoria, as the film was based more on Depp's and Eva's relationship it was hard to see her as 'The One' but i suppose the entertaining aspect of the film was Eva's character, so i think Burton made the right choice. 4/5

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