Tuesday 24 July 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

Eight years on, a new terrorist leader, Bane, overwhelms Gotham's finest, and the Dark Knight resurfaces to protect a city that has branded him an enemy.

Like most people i was really looking forward to seeing this film, i thought the Dark Knight was amazing and Heath Ledger's Joker was fantastic, so i only had high hopes for this film.

But to be honest i was very disappointed, I thought the first hour and a half of the film could have been condensed into 20/30 minutes as by the time the action happened i was nearly half asleep.

Batman's Foe in this film is Bane and his voice grated on me, it sounded like he was a combination of South African, Australian and a bad impression of a Bond villain.

The Bat-Pod ( Batman's Motorbike) seemed to be the slowest motorbike you'll ever see on a film and one point i thought a moped would have been able to over take it!

I didnt think the fight scenes were all that either, If you were going to compare it to the Marvel films that have been out in the last couple of years, it doesn't compare!

Id suggest go see Spider-man instead or even Ice Age. I'll only give it 2/5 i was really hoping it was going to be one of the most epic films of the year.. but it wasnt!

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