Wednesday 29 August 2012

Total Recall

A factory worker, Douglas Quaid, begins to suspect that he is a spy after visiting Rekall - a company that provides its clients with implanted fake memories of a life they would like to have led - goes wrong and he finds himself on the run.

Another Hollywood remake of dare i say classic? I think the original one had some sort of cult status, it would be hard to find someone between the ages of 25-35 that hasn't seen this film (well in my house anyway!)

Colin Farrell plays Douglas Quaid (Arnie) and i think he plays the lead quite well to be honest, he plays the vulnerable card very well. Kate Beckinsale plays his wife, who was played by Sharon Stone. I'm not a fan of Kate, i think she is a weak actress, all you have to do is look at the Underworld films for that. Nor was i surprised to find that her husband was the director and maybe that's how she got the job... (just saying.. least when Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter work together, you know Helena can act!)

All in all i thought it was a good film for a 12a cert it could have been a lot worse, but it could also have been a lot better, it was never going to be like the original. Arnie was in his hay-day when that film was released and in the early 90's the action films were exactly that, action packed. I dare say we haven't seen the last of the Arnie remakes! 2.5/5

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