Monday 22 October 2012


Young Victor conducts a science experiment to bring his beloved dog Sparky back to life, only to face unintended, sometimes monstrous, consequences.

Frankenstein for kids is the best way to describe this film with the Tim Burton twist. Frankenweenie is in black and white, which i wasnt aware off before i watched the film. This isnt a bad thing, it adds to the eeriness of the film. 

Its a nice film apart from being a bit sad about Sparky the dog, the storyline is not too heavy, nor did i feel like it dragged and went on too long. Victor is a likeable character and you can engage with him, unlike a couple of films ive seen this year, when i didnt care what happened to the main character.

I dont really have anything bad to say about this film, its hard not to like it, you wont be disappointed! 4/5

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